Yesterday was one of those days. You the type. I was going to finish the last boot for the photos for the new boot pattern, and I picked out a matching thread, set it aside, left the room for a second, and.....
Darn it how does it happen. You have something one minute, and then it is gone. I backtracked over all of my steps since I got it out of the plastic box, and it is no where to be found. I've looked all over the floor of the area where I was sitting. No luck there.
I think it must be gremlins. Or sprites. Something other than me!
Used to be when something like that happened I could usually pin point it to my oldest boy. He is pure magpie through and through. He is autistic, and it never occurs to him that if you have something that takes his fancy, that it would matter to you if he took it. He is off at school now, and since he left I have been finding things in the oddest places. One of his favorites was behind the fridge.
My youngest is also autistic, and curious about everything. If he takes something, it is usually to take it apart. He is getting better about those sorts of things, and does this far less often. Can't take apart a spool of thread, so I doubt he is my gremlin.
I did get a good bit of picking up done just hunting for that silly spool of thread. I guess I will have to buy another, which of course will mean I find it.
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